
Boko Haram/Nigeria (07.22.15)

Two months into his presidency Nigeria’s Muhammadu Buhari has predicted that Nigeria will defeat the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram within eighteen months or less. In order to achieve this difficult goal Buhari has replaced the top leaders of the Nigerian military, formed a regional coalition with neighboring countries, and sought U.S. aid. Since 2009, Boko Haram has been responsible for the deaths of between 13-15,000 people, hundreds of abductions, and the displacement of over one million residents. The insurgents’ fighting has extended beyond their stronghold in northeastern Nigeria, and threatens nearby Cameroon, Niger and Chad. These countries have lent military support to Nigeria, and along with others in the region, are seeking to better share information in order to stop the flow of money and weapons to Boko Haram from outside supporters. In March 2015 Boko Haram claimed affiliation with the Islamic State, and President Buhari believes the insurgents also have ties to militants in northern Mali.

Read more here:  boko-haram-update.pdf