Writing Guide

Thesis and Argument?

What is your argument? 

Historical Evidence

How does evidence support an argument?
  • Provides relevant, appropriate, and historically accurate evidence from a variety of sources
  • Categorizes evidence
  • Explains source(s) used as evidence
  • Using Primary Sources

Historical Thinking (Analysis)

How do you interpret evidence to support your historical argument?
  • Accounts for the source’s point of view and/or argument
  • Effectively explains evidence using appropriate historical thinking skills*
  • Explicitly connects the interpretation of evidence to the thesis
  • Corroborates and synthesizes multiple pieces of evidence to support argument

Clarity in Writing 

How clearly do you develop and communicate your argument? 
  • Shows organization
  • Uses clear discipline-specific language and tone appropriate for intended audience
  • Demonstrates appropriate use of grammar and spelling
  • Introduction and conclusion extend beyond a restatement of writing prompt