The Cold War (World) Unit Index

To view a PDF of the entire Cold War (world) unit, click here.


  • Assumptions...5
  • Authors and Contributors...6
  • Standards...7
    • California History-Social Science Content Standards
    • Common Core Reading Standards
    • Standards Alignment by Lesson


  • Procedures...19
  • Modifications/Support For Student Literacy...23
  • Standards...24
    • Common Core Reading Standards
    • California History-Social Science Content Standards
  • Cold War Pre-Test...27
  • Background Information...31
    • American Foreign Policy Prior to WWII
    • Soviet Foreign Policy Prior to WWII
  • Defining The Cold War...33
    • Activity: Definition Worksheet
  • Cold War Wall Chart...34
    •  Organizing the Cold War Wall Chart
    • Activity: “The Cold War: Why did We Fight?” - Student Chart
  • Wartime Experience...36
    • Teacher Instructions
    • Activity: Sorting US & USSR Experiences
  • Yalta And Potsdam...37
    • Activity: Foreign Policy Goals
    • Yalta Reading
    • Potsdam Reading
  • Comparing Churchill And Stalin...40
    • Activity: Excerpt Analysis
    • Iron Curtain (“Sinews of Peace”) Speech: Except & Analysis Worksheet
    • Response to Churchill - Joseph Stalin, Interview in Pravda: Excerpt & Analysis Worksheet
  • Instructions For Sentence Deconstruction...46
    • Teaching Sentence Deconstruction
  • The Marshall Plan...48
    • Directions
    • Activity: Excerpt Review and Discussion Note Taking Chart
    • Activity: “It’s the same without mechanical problems” - Cartoon Analysis & Discussion Questions
  • The Sources Of Soviet Conduct...52
    • Background & Excerpt from “The Sources of Soviet Conduct”
    • Discussion Questions
  • Truman vs. Zhdanov...54
    • Directions
    • Activity: Significant Terms Organization Chart
    • Excerpt from the Truman Doctrine
    • Excerpt from “Report on the International Situation to the Cominform”
  • The Berlin Blockade...59
    •  Background
    • Activity: Proposal to President Truman on How to Respond to the Soviet Blockade
  • The Berlin Airlift...60
  • When and How Did the Cold War Begin?...61
    • Activity: Short Essay


  • Procedures...64
  • Decolonization, 1945-1965...68
    • Background: Reading & Comprehension Questions
    • Colonial Independence: Reading & Comprehension Questions
    • Impact of WWII: Reading & Comprehension Questions
    • Decolonization and Nationalism: Reading & Comprehension Questions
    • The US and the Soviet Union: Reading & Comprehension Questions
  • Decolonization through Maps...73
    • The Three World Order, 1947-1991: Map & Questions
    • Decolonization of Africa: Map & Questions
    • Nigeria-Linguistic Groups: Map & Questions
    • Colonial Africa, 1913: Map & Questions
    • Decolonization in Asia and the Middle East: Map & Questions
    • US-Red and Blue States: Map & Questions
    • Religions in India, 1909: Map
    • Hindus and Muslims in India, 1909: Map0
    • Partition of India, 1947: Map & Questions
    • The Three World Order, 1947-1991(Again): Map & Questions
  • Analyzing Country Statistics...83
    • Activity: Categorizing Nations into First World, Second World, and Third World
    • Measuring Wealth: GDP Overview
    • 1960 GDP and Population Chart
    • Activity: Measuring Wealth
    • Activity: Passenger Cars & Ratios
    • Activity: Analyzing Population - Growth Rates, Mortality Rates, Children in School
    • Activity: Priorities for Egypt in 1960
  • What is a Third Way?...92
    • Activity: Analyze Two Sources to Answer the Question “What is the third way?
      • Directions
      • Note Taking Chart
    • Excerpt from Frantz Fanon’s Book “The Wretched of the Earth”
    • Excerpt from Jawaharlal Nehru’s 1956 Address
  • World Order Agendas Chart...96
  • The Suez Canal...97
    • Activity: What was Egypt’s Third Way?
    • Building the Suez Canal: Reading & Comprehension Questions
    • Egypt under Imperialism: Reading & Comprehension Questions
    • Israel: Reading & Comprehension Questions
    • Nasser’s Revolution: Reading & Comprehension Questions
  • Gamal Abd al Nasser, “Speech at Alexandria, July 26, 1956”...106
    • Excerpt from Nasser’s 1956 Speech
    • Discussion Questions
    • Activity: Analyzing Nasser’s 1956 Speech - Chart
  • The Suez Canal Crisis Conference...113
    • Activity: Reenactment of Negotiations between the US, Soviet Union, Egypt, Great Britain, France, and Indonesia
    • United States Position Paper
      • Excerpt from Eisenhower and Dulles Radio-Television Report, August 3, 1956
      • Excerpt from Dulles, “Statement at 22-Power London Conference, August 16, 1956”
      • Background Information
    • Soviet Union Position Paper
      • Excerpt from Dmitri Shepilov, “Statement at 22-Power London Conference, August 17, 1956”
      • Background Information
    • Great Britain Position Paper
      • Excerpt from Anthony Eden, Speech to the House of Commons, December 23, 1929
      • Excerpt from Emanuel Shinwell, Address to Chiefs of Staff on May 23, 1951
      • Excerpt from Selwyn Llyod, “Statement at the 22-Power London Conference, August 18, 1956”
      • Excerpt from Anthony Eden, Speech to the House of Commons on the Suez Crisis, October 31, 1956
    • France Position Paper
      • Excerpt from Christian Pineau, “Statement at the 22-Power London Conference, August 17, 1956”
    • Indonesia Position Paper
      • Excerpt from President Sukarno, Speech at the Asian-African Conference at Bandung, April 18, 1955
      • Excerpt from Ruslan Abdulgani, “Statements at 22-Power London Conference, August 16 & 18, 1956
      • Background Information
    • Pakistan Position Paper
      • Excerpt from Hamidul Huq Choudhury, “Statements at the 22-Power London Conference, August 18, 1956”
  • Resolution of the Suez Crisis...128
    • UN Resolution 118 & Comprehension Questions
    • The Suez Crisis in Brief
    • Important Points
  • Background of the Cuban Missile Crisis...131
    • Reading
    • Timeline
  • Analyzing Cuba in 1960...134
    • Activity: Worksheet on the background of the Cuban Missile Crisis
    • Map: The Three World Orders, 1947-1991
    • Activity: Analyze Cuba’s Needs & Set Priorities
  • John F. Kennedy, The Lesson of Cuba, 1961...137
    • Activity: Sentence Chunking Worksheet
  • Castro, Second Declaration of Havana, 1962...141
    • Activity: Sentence Chunking Worksheet
  • Opposing Viewpoints: John F. Kennedy and Fidel Castro...146
    • Activity: Compare Speeches & Analyze the Leaders’ Perspectives


  • Procedures...149
  • Comparing Principles to Practice...153
    • Activity: Worksheet on the Relationship between Principles and Practice in the Three World Orders
  • Industrialized Racism in the United States...154
    • Reading
  • John F. Kennedy, “Civil Rights Announcement”...157
    • Excerpt from Kennedy’s June 11, 1963 Address on Civil Rights
    • Activity: Sentence Deconstruction
    • Activity: Comprehension Questions
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., “Speech on South Africa”...160
    • Excerpt from King’s December 7, 1964 Speech on South Africa
    • Activity: Sentence Deconstruction
    • Activity: Comprehension Questions
  • Mao Zedong, “A New Storm against Imperialism”...163
    • Excerpt from Zedong’s Speech “A New Storm against Imperialism, 1968”
    • Activity: Sentence Deconstruction
    • Activity: Comprehension Questions
  • Prague Spring & the Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia...165
    • Excerpt from CIA’s “A Look Back…The Prague Spring and Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia”
      • The Intelligence Community Watches
      • Optimism Fades
      • Soviet Invasion Renews the Cold War Chill
    • Activity: Event Flowchart
  • The Role of Media in Prague Spring...168
    • Excerpt from Ukrainian Communist Party Report to Soviet Union
    • Comprehension Questions
  • Prague Spring Archival Film...170
    • Activity: Film Note Taking Form
  • The Brezhnev Doctrine...171
    • Excerpt from “Sovereignty and International Duties of Socialist Countries,” by Sergei Kovalev
    • Activity: Analyzing Coded Language in Kovalev’
    • Excerpt from Leonid Brezhnev, “Speech at the 5th Party Congress of the Polish United Workers Party”
    • Activity: Comparing the Brezhnev Doctrine and the Truman Doctrine
  • China Under Mao Zedong...173
    • Reading
    • Activity: Identifying and Analyzing the Major Programs of the Mao Zedong Era
  • Propaganda from Mao...178
    • Posters
      • Carry on the Struggle
      • Chairman Mao Loves Children
      • To Villages We Go
      • The Commune is Like a Gigantic Dragon
      • Charmin Mao is the Great Liberator
      • Walk the Road of Dazhai
      • Transform the Hai River
      • Awakened Peoples
      • The Eastern Sea is Red
    • Activity: Propaganda Analysis – Posters & Quotes from Mao’s “Little Red Book”
  • Chile Statistics - 1970...191
    • Activity: Comparing Chile’s Economy to First and Second World Countries
    • Table: Country Statistics
  • Chile in 1973: Background...194
    • Reading
    • Discussion Questions
  • Nixon’s National Security Council...196
    • Excerpt from Nixon’s National Security Council Meeting, November 9, 1970
    • Activity: Sentence Deconstruction
  • President Allende’s 1972 UN Speech...198
    • Excerpt from Allende’s December 4, 1972 Address at the United Nations in New York
    • Activity: Communist Regimes’ and Liberal Democratic Regimes’ Possible Reactions to Allende’s Ideas
    • Activity: Quote Analysis - How does it oppose the First and Second World Orders and support the Third Way?
  • Comparing Principles and Practice (Redux)...203
    • Activity: Worksheet on the Relationship between Principles and Practice in the Three World Orders
    • Activity: Short Answer - What is the relationship between principles and practice in each of the three world orders? Do principles inform practices?  Do practices undermine principles?


  • Procedures...205
  • Group Assignment...207
    • Activity: Research Note Taking Form
    • Activity: Newspaper Organization Sheet
  • Algerian War of Independence - 1954-1962...209
    • Background
    • Excerpt from Pierre Mendès Statement before the French National Assembly, 1954
    • Excerpt from National Liberation Front’s “Proclamation to the Algerian People”
    • Excerpt from JFK’s Speech “Imperialism – The Enemy of Freedom”
    • Activity: Select Event from Timeline to Use as Newspaper Topic
    • Activity: Assigning Research Tasks
  • Afghanistan - 1979-1989...213
    • Background
    • Excerpt from Yutii Andropov’s “Reasons to Invade Afghanistan: Memorandum to Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev”
    • Excerpt from Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “Memorandum on the Soviet Afghan Intervention to President Carter”
    • Excerpt from Vladimir Tamarov’s “A Soviet Solider in Afghanistan”
    • Activity: Select Event from Timeline to Use as Newspaper Topic
    • Activity: Assigning Research Tasks
  • Cambodia...217
    • Background
    • Excerpt from Mr. Kissinger/The President Transcript
    • Excerpt of a Physician’s Description of His Prison Camp
    • Excerpt from the Written Record of Prak Khan’s Witness Statement
    • Activity: Select Event from Timeline to Use as Newspaper Topic
    • Activity: Assigning Research Tasks
  • Angola...222
    • Background
    • Letter from Agostinho Neto to Cuban Leadership
    • Excerpt from National Security Council Meeting, June 27, 1975
    • Letter from Jorge Risquet to Fidel Castro
  • Nicaragua...226
    • Background
    • “Document 493: Memorandum of Conversation, Managua, May 6, 1970”
    • “Letter to William Casey, CIA Director, from Senator Barry Goldwater (R) Arizona”
    • Ronald Reagan, “Speech from the Oval Office about the Iran-Contra Affair”
    • Activity: Select Event from Timeline to Use as Newspaper Topic
    • Activity: Assigning Research Tasks
  • Guatemala...233
    • Background
    • “Statement on Growth of Communism in Guatemala”
    • “Resignation Speech of President Jacobo Arbenz”
    • “Radio Address by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles”
    • Activity: Select Event from Timeline to Use as Newspaper Topic
    • Activity: Assigning Research Tasks
  • Congo...239
    • Background
    • Independence Day speech of Patrice Lumumba, June 30, 1960
    • Letter from Nikita Khrushchev to Patrice Lumumba
    • Excerpt from US State Department Report on Soviet Influence in Post-Independence Congo
    • Excerpt from Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba’s Last Statement
    • Activity: Select Event from Timeline to Use as Newspaper Topic
    • Activity: Assigning Research Tasks
  • Iran...247
    • Background
    • Excerpt from Mohammad Mossadeq, Nationalizing Iranian Oil
    • American and British Plan for the Overthrow of Prime Minister Mossadeq of Iran
    • Excerpt from Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran in Imperialism’s Clutches
  • Hungary...251
    • Background
    • Statement of the Soviet Government, October 30, 1956
    • Imry Nage: Last Message, November 4, 1956
    • Department of State Bulletin, November 12, 1956


  • Procedures...255
  • The Era of Détente...258
    • Background
    • Comprehension Questions
  • The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan...260
    • Background
    • Excerpt from Yuri Andropov’s “Memorandum to Brezhnev, Dec. 1979”
    • Activity: Sentence Deconstruction & Discussion Question
    • Map of Afghanistan
    • Excerpt from American National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski to President Carter
    • Activity: Diplomatic Adviser’s Recommendation to Respond to Increasing Tensions
  • Cold War Developments...266
    • Background for Developments in the United States in the 1980’s
    • Activity: Timeline for US & USSR Cold War Developments in the 1980’s
    • Activity: Developments in Cold War America in the 1980’s Chart
    • The Reagan Doctrine
      • Background
      • Excerpt from President Reagan’s 1984 Speech about American Goals in Central America
      • Response to the Reagan Doctrine: Excerpt from “Human Rights in Nicaragua: Rhetoric and Reality”
    • Military Build-Up
      • Activity: In-Text Exercises
      • Background
      • Excerpt from President Reagan’s “Address to the Nation on Defense and National Security”
      • Defense Spending Over Time
    • Iran-Contra
      • Activity: In-Text Exercises
      • Background
      • Government Report on Iran-Contra
      • Government Executive Summary on Iran Contra
    • Nuclear Fear
      • Activity: In-Text Exercises
      • Government Report on Three Mile Island Accident
      • Silent Spring
  • Cracks in the Soviet Union in the 1980’s...279
    • Background
    • Cracks within the Soviet Economy: Reading & Discussion Questions
    • Cracks in Soviet Political Freedom: Reading & Discussion Questions
    • Cracks in Soviet Foreign Policy: Reading & Discussion Questions
    • Cracks in the Soviet Environment: Reading & Discussion Questions
  • Diplomacy and Reform...287
    • Background
    • Reagan’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress after the Geneva Summit, November 21, 1985
    • Arms Race Adds Pressure: Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev
    • American and Soviet Remarks at the Signing of the INF Treaty
    • Activity: Chart on the Agreements that Changed the Terms of the Cold War
  • China’s Different Path...291
    • Background
    • Economic Transformations
    • Political Challenges
    • Deng Xiaoping’s Remarks to the Central Committee, February 24, 1984
    • U.S. State Department Summary, June 5, 1989
    • Discussion Questions
  • East German Family Activity...294
    • Directions & Steps
    • Family Member Profiles
    • Background Information
      • Changes in the Soviet Union
      • The Opening of Satellite States
      • Responses to Openness
      • Dissolution of the Soviet Union
      • Excerpt from Vaclav Havel’s “Speech to the Nation”
      • Excerpt from Mikhail Gorbachev’s Nationally Televised Farewell Address
    • Activity: The Decision
    • Activity: Development & Family Decision Chart
    • Activity: The Presentation
  • Legacy of the Cold War...300
    • Effects of the End of the Cold War
    • Excerpt from President George H.W. Bush’s 1992 State of the Union Address
    • Activity: Causes and Effects of the End of the Cold War Chart