
Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments.

Government - Federalism (Native Boarding Schools)

What level of government is the most important to me – local, state, tribal, or federal? Download Primary Source Set: Federalism  

This inquiry set asks students to consider how different levels of government affected Native American children over the course of the 20th century through case study on boarding schools. The U.S.

Government Boarding Schools

Teachers can emphasize how power and responsibilities are divided among national, state, local, and tribal governments and ask students to consider this question: Why are powers divided among different levels of government? Students should understand that local governments are established by the states, and tribal governments are recognized by constitutional provisions and federal law. The following questions help students consider the central principles: What are the major responsibilities of the various levels, and what are their revenue sources?

Federalism (Native Boarding Schools)

This Inquiry Set, “Native American Education and the United States Government (Boarding Schools)” is a case study that highlights how local, state, tribal, and federal government authority impacted children’s lives. The topic of education touches all California students and provides us with an example of the ways that government power from a variety of levels intersect, overlap, and compete to govern our path through K-12 and beyond.